TENNIS 360 SL Solution (SL) Fungicide

TENNIS 360 SL Fungicide
used by drenching to control soil-born diseases. This product should be drenched uniformly with its recommended dose at the time of planting by using a watering can for controlling and damping off.
APPLICATION BY A BUCKET WITH THE FILTER OR SOIL TREATMENT EQUIPMENT: Apply the mixture to the soil surface as 3 litter mixture per square meter by a bucket with the filter or soil treatment equipment after sowing or transplanting of crops immediately.
Application by drip irrigation system: The required amount of the product is applied to the soil by drip irrigation for 10 minutes within one day after transplanting. The second application should be made in the same way after 30 days.

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Country of Origin

Kyrgyz Republic




500 ml

Agricultural Pest



PREPARATION OF THE PRODUCT: Spray equipment should be correctly cleaned and calibrated to ensure proper application. Half-fill the spray tank with clean water. Add the required amount of the product into the tank and fill up the tank with clean water while agitating. Keep agitating while spraying. Use it when mixed at the same time. The soil must be well-tilled & prepared for sowing and transplantation before the soil application. Do not apply the mixture if there is rain expectation 1 day after application.
USAGE: TENNIS-Hymexazol is a systemic fungicide for the control of foliar and soil-borne plant diseases when used as recommended. Hymexazol is fungistatic in action preventing disease infection and establishment. It is a soil fungicide that is rapidly taken up by plants and translocated.