Prothor SC 2 Termiticide

PROTHOR SC 2 Termiticide provides a professional standard for protecting buildings against termites.

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Country of Origin



1 L

Agricultural Pest



PROTHOR SC 2 Termiticide provides a professional standard for protecting buildings against termites. PROTHOR is undetectable by termites as they tunnel through it, we call this the PROTHOR Termite Defence Zone. Further, the active ingredient of PROTHOR has some very special and unique soil-binding properties which chemists call Hysteric Binding. The unique chemistry means that PROTHOR is relatively slow to bind to soil particles but once it does bind, it grips very tightly to ensure that the Termite Defence Zone remains in place for a long time to keep on killing termites.

10 Years Treatment Guarantee:

Please see attached 10 Years Treatment Guarantee Flyer.