FUSION OCTENOL – Mosquito Attractant

Boost your Mosquito Trap
CIS Mosquito Lures target the most common and dangerous mosquito
species. Four varieties are available to match each species’ distinctive taste and preference.
Fusion Octenol Green contains Octenol and Lactic acid which emits a scent proven to be attractive to mosquitoes, midges and gnats. Each attractant lasts approximately 30 days, or 3-4 weeks, depending on weather conditions.

Active ingredients:
1-Octen-3-ol (6 grams)                                        CAS No. : 3391-86-4
Lactic Acis (3 grams)                                           CAS No. : 50-21-5
Ammonium Acid Carbonate (2 grams)               CAS No. : 1066-33-7

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Country of Origin







Boost your Mosquito Trap
CISTech Fusion Octenol Lure attracts mosquitoes, midges, gnats, and Asian tiger mosquitoes
Compatible with CIS Eliminator trap and other brands of electric mosquito and insect traps

To use: Peel off the foil lid of the attractant, remove the lid/hat of the unit, and place the Lure inside. Replace the lid/hat, and turn the machine on. The smell of the attractant will be drawn down and into the machine by the fan, and out through the purposely built holes around the sides (where the light comes out). Replace the attractant/lure after 30 days

Contains 3 cartridges for 90-day Continuous Release!