Curtain Glue Trap

Application effective against synanthropic flies, aphids, thrips, greenhouse whiteflies, cherry fruit flies, codling moths, apple leaf miners, and other insect pests of plants Material white coated paperboard with prints
Specific features – strong glue, stable in a wide range of temperatures and humidity conditions
– product does not contain harmful substances Method of set-up to be hung up in stables or cattle sheds by means of enclosed hanger

Detail dimensions 60x40cm
Package 4 pcs/ foil
25 foils/carton box
Shelf life 5 years from the date of production

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Curtain Glue Trap Application effective against synanthropic flies, aphids, thrips, greenhouse whiteflies, cherry fruit flies, codling moths, apple leaf miners, and other insect pests of plants

Material white coated paperboard with prints
Specific features – strong glue, stable in a wide range of temperatures and humidity conditions product does not contain harmful substances Method of set-up to be hung up in stables or cattle sheds by means of enclosed hanger

Detail dimensions 60x40cm
Package 4 pcs/ foil
25 foils/carton box
Shelf life 5 years from the date of production